viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

Forgotten Ilusions

Unfortunately, there is no cure to love yet. Labs must make some sort of serum, or pills to cure this so estimated and bad-categorized illness. Because, after all, it is an addiction. In medical terminology, an addiction is a state in which the body relies on a substance for normal functioning and develops physical dependence. Am I wrong? Am I the only human being that thinks this? How many other people I know suffer from the same addiction, how many people misses to feel loved?

I think that there is only one person right now, that can make the world stop for an instance and make me happy for ever. But life is not that good. Life is shit. There is someone playing with us, telling us, showing us, how good life can be, but seconds later, the same evil entity takes all that away from you, and tell you that you will be fine. What if i cant be fine anymore? What if my heart has stopped that fucking friday and never started beating again? What if I am living, only with the left-overs from an utopic love, what if these tiny but tasty crumbs finishes? I still dont know what to do, people can tell me a lot of things, but the truth is that my feelings have not change even a bit. I only understand that i cant change it. But it is worth to continue fighting for what one loves? Why my heart tells me to continue fighting, that love is the strongest force, and can change the world?

I can see aroung and say that if love is out there, it cant change anything, read the newspapres, watch TV. I have evidence in front of my eyes that the only feeling that keeps me now alive is merely a mith.

I am so confused. I definitely need help.

Thanks for reading

To everyone.

Good luck, and find whatever I cant!

The pursuit of happiness never ends.

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