miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

Paramore - I Caught Myself

Despues de muchos dias de escuchar este tema, nunca le habia prestado atencion a la letra, solo hoy en el subte cuando me di cuenta de lo que decia. Cuando, entendi vagamente el significado de esas palabras en otro idioma ajeno al mio, me quede paralizado y me invadieron unas irrefrenables ganas de llorar. Y asi, en el medio del subte lleno de gente empujando y transpirando, quejandose de las frenadas abruptas y de las largas esperas en estaciones. En el medio de un universo diferente, el cual solo lo sufren aquellos que viajan dia a dia, donde te ves todos los dias con practicamente la misma gente, pero no son conocidos; donde el contacto fisico es ironicamente molesto. No fui capaz de congelar mis sentimientos, y de evitar que la fuerza de la gravedad haga deslizar esos pequeños cristales liquidos por mi mejilla.

Esta cancion me hace pensar demasiado en cosas que ya deberia de haber dejado de pensar hace mucho.

Al menos gracias a algunas charlas en concreto he logrado sacar algo positivo. A pesar de determinados sucesos aislados, ya no me escondo en el baño para llorar asi nadie me ve, y ya deje de llorar todas las noches antes de irme a dormir.


Sepan disculpar la mala calidad de audio, pero no encontre ningun video mejor.

Down to you
You're pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don't know what I
Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
From saying something
That I should've never thought
Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
From saying something
That I should've never thought of you of you

You're pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don't know what I want
No, I don't know what I want
You got it you got it
Some kind of magic
Hypnotic hypnotic
You're leaving me breathless
I hate this I hate this
You're not the one I believe in
With God as my witness

Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
From saying something
That I should've never thought
Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
From saying something
That I should've never thought of you of you
You're pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don't know what I want
No, I don't know what I want

Don't know what I want
But I know it's not you
Keep pushing and pulling me down
But I know in my heart it's not you

Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
From saying something
That I should've never thought
Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
From saying something
That I should've never thought of you
I knew, I know in my heart it's not you
I knew, but now I know what I want, I want, I want
Oh no, I've should have never thought

1 comentario:

  1. vista a lo positivo!
    pasaba a saludar... sabes q estoy y cuando quieras tenemos mas charlas filosoficas
